Little Girl's Pedigree
CH QuailRidge's "Crystal" Pistol
CH QuailRidge's Justin Thyme
x CH QuailRidge's Crystal Bay
* Crystal is pictured here at the SLO Kennel Club 11/09 BOS at 20 months!
* Became a Champion at 15 months of age!
* Crystal is the 5th Champion shown by Debra from Bred By Exhibitor Class!
* Crystal was Best Bred by Exhibitor at the 2010 Eukanuba Invitational!
Crystal's Winning Record
Crystal's Pedigree
Silver Grand CHampion QuailRidge's Top Dee O Gee Maxamilian "Max"
Max accomplished 2011:
* #7 Lifetime Grand CH Points
* #8 2011 Grand CH Points
* #7 CBR in Breed Points 2011
* #9 National CH Standings 2011
* #13 All Breed CBR 2011
* Invited to 2011 Eukanuba Invitational
* Silver Grand Champion
Max accomplished 2010:
* 2nd CBR to become a Grand CH
* #6 All Breed CBR 2010
* #5 National CH Standings 2010
* #6 CBR in Breed Points 2010
* Invited to 2010 Eukanuba Invitational
Max is owned by Cheryl and Craig Macina, Bred By Debra/QuailRidge
Max's Winning Record
Grand CH QuailRidge's Mighty Casey
CH QuailRidge's Justin Thyme
x CH QuailRidge's Laetitia
Owned by Doug & Linda Gabrielson & Debra Cuevas
Handled to his Championship by owners Linda & Doug!
Casey's Winning Record
Casey's Pedigree |
CH QuailRidge's Bramblin' Briars Blest "Briar"
CH Marnett's Grant My Wish JH UDX RE CGC UCDX
x CH QuailRidge's Baileyana Firepeak
Briar is pictured here 22 months! This is at the Ventura County Dog Fanciers Show! Owned and shown by Pat & Glen Bartz
Briar's Winning Record
Briar's Pedigree
QuailRidge's Anak Krakatau "Tsunami"
CH Marnett's Grant My Wish JH UDX RE CGC UCDX Bred, Shown, and Handled by Debra/QuailRidge
x CH QuailRidge's Baileyana Firepeak
Tsunami is pictured here 9 months! This is at the Lompoc Valley Kennel Club Show! Bred, Shown, and Handled by Debra/QuailRidge
Tsunami's Winning Record
Tsunami's Pedigree
CH Quail Ridge's Crown Jewel "Ruby"
CH Marnett's Grant My Wish JH UDX RE CGC UCDX
x CH QuailRidge's Crystal Bay
Ruby is pictured here 2 Years 5 months!
Shown by breeder, owner, Debra/QuailRidge. "Ruby" and CH QuailRidge's Cry Me a River "Rogue" both qualified for the Eukanuba Invitational. Littermates "Rogue" and "Ruby" acquired their Champion titles at 12 months of age from the Bred by Exhibitor Class. Ruby finnished with 3 majors and went Best in Sweepstakes at the Long Beach Supported Entry at 8 months. Ruby also won a Group 3 at Contra Costa County KC at 15 months, 6/8/08!
*2008 BBE & Award of Excellence Eukanuba Winner!
Ruby's Winning Record
Rogue's Winning Record
CH Quail Ridge's Cry Me a River "Rogue"
CH Marnett's Grant My Wish JH UDX RE CGC UCDX
x CH QuailRidge's Crystal Bay
Rogue is pictured here 12 months. Rogue is pictured here a New Champion! Bred, Shown, and Handled by Debra/QuailRidge
Rogue's Winning Record
CH QuailRidge's Hooper High Water "Hooper"
CH QuailRidge's Mesquite Mudslinger
x CH QuailRidge's Harley Thyme
Hooper is Pictured here becoming a new Champion! Owned and shown by Therese Jackson.
Hooper's Pedigree
Hooper's Winning Record
Silver Grand CH CH Quail Ridge's "Dakota"
CH QuailRidge's Mesquite Mudslinger
x CH QuailRidge's Sausalito
Dakota is pictured here 7 years! Dakota A Bronze Grand Champion, qualified for the Eukanuba Invitational 2011, here Dakota getting a Group 3 AOH, and a Sporting Group #3!
Shown in 2013 as a Veteran Dakota was #16 in both Lifetime and 2013 Grand Championship Standings #18 in the Breed Standings.
Owned Shown, and Handled by Owner Cheryl Macina.
Dakota's Pedigree
Dakota's Winning Record
CH QuailRidge's Mesquite Mudslinger
CH QuailRidge's Tobin James
x QuailRidge's Slewfoot Sioux
Mesquite qualified for the Eukanuba Invitational 2007, the top 25 in the Nation! Handled by his Breeder/Owner!
Mesquite is pictured here 1 Year 6 months old, May 28, 2006! Going BOB, Hangtown KC, Placerville, CA
Bred, Shown, and Handled by Debra/QuailRidge
Mesquite's Pedigree
CH QuailRidge's Tecumseh "Sherman"
CH QuailRidge's Mesquite Mudslinger
x CH QuailRidge's Harley Thyme
Sherman is pictured here 12 months! His father is pictured below, CH QuailRidge's "Mesquite" Mudslinger. His Grandfather CH QuailRidge's Tobin James is pictured on the Standing at Stud Page
Owned by Michelle Syufy. Handled by Breeder/Owner Debra W Cuevas QuailRidge.
Sherman's Winning Record
Sherman's Pedigree
Grand CH QuailRidge Harrison's Dakota JH CD
CH QuailRidge's Tobin James
x QuailRidge's Sliouxfoot Sioux
Dakota is pictured here 12 months! His brother Mesquite is pictured below. On this weekend at San Mateo, CA Dakota got 2 major Wins!
Shown, and Handled by Owner Kathy Harrison, Breeder/Owner Debra W Cuevas QuailRidge. Dakota hunts with his owner Bob, and has his JH Title!
Dakota's Pedigree
Dakota and his hunting partner!
Dakota waits in the blind!
Dakota gets his bird!
More QuailRidge Champions! Showing Page
QuailRidge's Bombs Away! "Little Girl"
QuailRidge's "Crystal" Pistol
QuailRidge's Top Dee O Gee Maxamilian
QuailRidge's Anak Krakatau "Tsunami"
CH QuailRidge's Crown Jewel "Ruby"
CH QuailRidge's Cry Me A River "Rogue"
CH QuailRidge's Mighty Casey "Casey"
CH QuailRidge's "Dakota"
CH QuailRidge's "Mesquite" Mudslinger
CH QuailRidge's Tecumseh "Sherman"
CH QuailRidge's Harrison's Dakota JH CD
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More QuailRidge Champions! Showing Page 1
CH QuailRidge's Baileyana Firepeak "Bailey"
CH QuailRidge's I Emma Moose "Emma"
CH QuailRidge's CA Galeforce Wind "Cali"
CH QuailRidge's Sierra Sioux-Nami "Sierra"
CH QuailRidge's Mighty Casey "Casey"
CH QuailRidge's Spinnaker's Hurricane "Cana"
CH QuailRidge's Loose Cannon "Lucy"
CH QuailRidge's Maritime Maddness "Maddie"
More QuailRidge Champions! Showing Page 2
CH QuailRidge's "Sausalito"
CH QuailRidge's San Francisco "Cisco"
CH QuailRidge's "Harley" Thyme
CH QuailRidge's "Crystal" Bay
CH QuailRidge's Tobin James "Toby"
CH QuailRidge's "Justin" Thyme
More QuailRidge Champions! Showing Page 3
CH QuailRidge's Ghirardelli Goose "Sonya"
CH QuailRidge's "Laetitia"
CH QuailRidge's "Natasha"
CH QuailRidge's Solar "Eclipse"
CH QuailRidge's Kodiak Attack "Kody"
CH QuailRidge's "Sassafrass"
CH Coco's Chocolate Sensation
CH QuailRidge's "Cena"